Friday, January 10, 2014


You dream big, dreams of the heart, he dreams of putting soul in every dream

Dreaming big, with what for others is impossible, that there are no limits on your dreams

Make your dream in your reason for fighting, your goal for the day

That you drive your dream, your dream you guide

Don't give up your dream, before criticism empty that tell you it's impossible, perhaps who says you is someone who never dared to dream

Do not abandon your dream given the difficulty on the way to its realization, no one said that a dream must be easy

Give your dream a handle firmly with your reality, not you turn what you live, or do not turn from your life by going after your dream

It depends on make your dreams a reality, it depends on open roads

It depends on believe in possibilities or failures

When can make your sleep, savoring the sweet taste of your victory, but don't stop, get ready to dream a dream more!

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